tomorow was a har time at pumpa we cleaned 4 people for 4 hours and also lagenda tibor came to help us was great to see him and his son !
today my arms hurt alot but tomorow bowl session !
and there was also an expo in youth center by kori !
was not lot of people but was great company!
if somebody still whant to see his work come to mcp !
first photos of cleaning of vert and bowl and then photos from yesterdays expo !
feritr was cleaning the bowl
me an dkupa the vert ramp
ferit in the bowl
litlle help from kupa
it was almost 1 meter of snow on some pouints heheh
finish ferit good job man
me and kupa find the whole tree destroyed under the snow becouse of the weight oof snow it fall down to vert ramp ! crazy !
finito now we have to montage the second layr of wood and action !
then we dicide to clean also the small pice with ulaula
and we did it with help of gasper and tibor !
tibor at work
nice view
it was hard 7 hours to clean the vert and bowl and the small part of skate park
now photos from koris expo in youth center !
xnejcx works will be up the whole mounth so you beterr move your layzy ass and come to see his work !
tattoo he did it
drawings and photos of his tattos
like always postojna dead city there was a lot of people on koris expo
nejc in the gallery with his girl !
lele get totally drunk again !
and puting on the balls on his ears !
lele fall asleep really early!
was a great DAY YESTERDAY!
tomorow bow session fukers !